The Hitch-Haikuer's Guide to Real America

I'm hitting the road
With a Broadway musical

A poem a day
Keeps the tour madness away
At least I hope so

I bend haiku rules
But I like some structure so
"five, seven, five" stays 

In late 2009, sick of being stuck in a rut and tired of not knowing songs everyone else seemed to know, I decided to learn and memorize a song every day of 2010.  I spent a lot of time thinking about why songs are so important, as they became my taskmasters, my stepping stones, my companions throughout the year.  You can read about it starting here, and check out the list of songs I learned.

Winter/Spring 2011
I wasn't quite sure what to do after a year's worth of a song a day, so I decided to do a project every week that I called the Weekly Wishes project.  I eventually settled on trying to learn/transcribe something interesting and piano-based, and made a few videos (not weekly - too time-consuming), which you can check out on here.