how to travel well

Haiku #134 - Cancelled Flight and Lost Luggage

JFK: Clarkie, Kurt, and I enjoy our breakfast of (delayed) champions.
Tonight, Alex and I enjoyed Smash - advertised in the background.
flight cancellation 
may lead to pre-noon drinking
at the airport bar

I realize the past couple posts may lead readers to believe I'm an alcoholic.  Be that as it may; I'm comfortable enough in my lightweight-ness to be taken for the opposite.  

The New York-based numbers of our company assembled at JFK just in time for our flight to Toronto... and at the last minute, we were told the flight had been canceled.  No explanation.  We were re-booked on a flight leaving four hours later from LaGuardia, but had to wait for confirmation that we'd all be able to get on the flight.  Obviously, the thing to do was to have a breakfast cocktail in the airport bar.  

Somewhere in the shuffle, one of my checked bags went missing.  Hopefully it will join me in Toronto soon.  Epic travel day!

Haiku #53 - Layover

Parker and our sensible sangrias

terminal hiking
is refreshing but so is
overpriced massage

Very slow day today since my flight wasn't til 4. Parker, one of the cast, didnt have his flight til 5, so we headed to the airport at 1, dropped off our bags, and ran across a perilous higway for a bite to eat and a sensible pre-flight sangria. Now I'm halfway through a 3-hour layover in Charlotte. I made my second frivolously sensible decision of the day and got a foot massage in the airport terminal..  Looking forward to getting to my aunt & uncle's in Norfolk, andbeing in the same place for 6 whole nights!